The LEAP-1A engine with new RBS system, which mitigates carbon build-up on fuel nozzles, was certified by FAA and EASA in 2023. As a result, the requirement for on-wing fuel nozzle replacement and associated maintenance burden will be dramatically reduced. Once the system is fully deployed...
The advanced CFM LEAP engine family provides 15 to 20 percent better fuel consumption and lower CO2emissions, as well as a significant improvement in noise compared to previous generation engines. Since its entry into service in 2016, the LEAP engine has allowed our customers to reduce CO2emission...
A global leader in aircraft propulsion CFM International, the 50/50 joint company between Safran Aircraft Engines and GE, develops, produces and markets the CFM56 engine and its successor, the LEAP. Created in 1974, the CFM International partnership has
Agreement includes 40 LEAP-1A engines Singapore – China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited (CALC) today announced the selection of CFM International LEAP-1A engines to power an additional fleet of 20 Airbus A320neo and A321neo family aircraft, whic
Engine familySetting a new standard in utilization, reliability,and performance CFM International’s advanced LEAP product line is the engine of choice to power the Airbus A320neo, the Boeing 737 MAX, and the COMAC C919.Since CFM’s first LEAP engines entered revenue service in August 2016, ...
2016年8月,LEAP投入商用。土耳其的Pegasus 航空公司成为首家运营LEAP-1A发动机的航空公司,该款发动机为空客A320 neo提供动力。2017年5月22日,马来西亚的Malindo Air运营了第一架以LEAP-1B为动力的波音737 MAX飞机。同年5月5日,装载着LEAP-1C的中国C919完成首飞。首飞之后,C919大型客机项目进入密集研发试飞新阶段...
The article focuses on starting of the testing of CFM LEAP-1B aircraft engine from CFM International Inc. It mentions that customers, operators, and investors are awaiting verification that the smaller fan size required for the engine can produce the necessary fuel efficiency benefits to effectively...
最近,由国内63名院士和专家组成的评审委员会一致同意通过国产大型客机C919首飞技术评审,这标志着C919向着首飞目标又迈出了坚实的一步。而为国产大飞机C919提供动力的就是CFM公司LEAP系列中的LEAP-1C发动机,该系列另外两个型号分别是LEAP-1A和LEAP-1B。 CFM公司的发展启示 ...
产品编号:1156784 May 13, 2017 来自BlueGreen 1139个产品 自2003起 3D模型车辆车辆零件发动机飞机发动机喷气发动机 3D模型cfm international High detailed CFM Leap-1A jet engine 3d model. Previews were rendered with vray. Actions on the previews are samples. ...