folder_path = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, "Select Folder") 显示对话框,并获取用户选择的文件夹路径: 当调用getExistingDirectory方法时,对话框会自动显示。用户选择文件夹后,该方法的返回值就是用户选择的文件夹路径。 处理用户未选择或取消选择的情况: 如果用户取消选择或关闭了对话框而没有选择...
Windows 2000/XP: Causes the dialog box to send CDN_INCLUDEITEM notification messages to your OFNHookProc hook procedure when the user opens a folder. The dialog box sends a notification for each item in the newly opened folder. These messages enable you to control which items the dialog box ...
// Description : Open and get Folder Dialog. // Return type : true means click ok, false mean no select and cancel. // Argument : folder path reference // Argument : dialog window caption // Argument : parent window handle bool GetFolder(std::string& folderpath, const char* szCaption ...
Windows 2000/XP: Causes the dialog box to send CDN_INCLUDEITEM notification messages to your OFNHookProc hook procedure when the user opens a folder. The dialog box sends a notification for each item in the newly opened folder. These messages enable you to control which items the dialog box...
int SelectFolder(LPCTSTR lpszTitle, LPCTSTR lpszStartPath, UINT ulFlags, CWnd* pParentWnd) 装运箱GetSelectedFolder()常量 这个函数通过调用SelectFolder返回用户选择的文件夹。隐藏,复制Code // Return value: // A CString object containing the selected folder. ...
(_MAX_PATH + 1) + 1. The first item returned in the buffer is the path to the folder where the files were selected. For Windows Vista-style dialog boxes, the directory and file name strings are null-terminated, with an extra null character after the last file name. This format ...
尽管在OnFileNameChange中对CDN_SELCHANGE进行了处理,为了获取所选的文件/路径名,也调用了CFileDialog::GetPathName。但是即使是选中了文件夹,GetPathName仍然返回的是文件的名字。即便尝试用其它的通知消息和函数,比如 CDN_FOLDERCHANGE 和 GetFileName,但仍旧存在同样的问题。必须承认在Windows 2000中,CFileDialog是...
if (fdh.IsItemFolder(i)) { // 显示"(FOLDER)"…… } else { // 显示其它内容 } } 毫无疑问,要改装CFileDialog对话框,必须建立一个它的派生类以及一个新的对话框资源。“全部”按钮的实现代码是这样的: void CMyOpenDlg::OnSelectAll() {
The system sends the CDN_SELCHANGE message when the user selects a new file or folder in the file list of the Open or Save As dialog box. Override this method if you want to perform any actions in response to this message.The system sends this message only if the dialog box was ...