CCAA NEWS 6月19日,国际有机农业联盟(IFOAM)有机产业与有机产品市场发展大会暨第七届亚洲有机大会在河北邯郸隆重开幕。此次大会汇集了全球27个国家200多名有机产业领域的代表和专家,共同探讨全球有机产业的高质量发展。中国认证认可协会...
『力学牵引护颈枕』梦洁家纺:第三代无感科技棉&Ifoam™亲肌棉+25%的回弹率|2021年度十大类纺织创新产品 受工信部消费品工业司委托,中国纺织工业联合会自2017年持续5年开展了“培育和推广十大类纺织创新产品”专项工作。该项工作以服...
cfiFOAM, Inc Contact Us P.O. Box 10393 Knoxville, TN 37939 865.588.4465 1234 InsulSmart Interior Foam Insulation®is a truly “new” product designed specifically for enclosed cavity applications such as stud walls and cathedral ceilings. It is also used in the retrofit of concrete block wall...
cfiFOAM, Inc Contact Us P.O. Box 10393 Knoxville, TN 37939 865.588.4465 1234 InsulSmart Interior Foam Insulation®is a truly “new” product designed specifically for enclosed cavity applications such as stud walls and cathedral ceilings. It is also used in the retrofit of concrete block wall...