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On the eighth day of the last month in the Chinese lunar calendar,people will enjoy a nourishing porridge called ''La Ba Zhou''.In ancient times,monks would kindly share all sorts of food grains with people and made them flavorful porridge on this particular day.People...
INCLUDING CALENDAR BLOCKS. (HS 491000)2017 KAZAKHSTAN Importer Rankings 全球最大的贸易统计数据库 – GTA2017 年终统计结果显示:2017 年 1-12 月 印刷的各种日历(包括日历芯) (商品编码 491000)哈萨克斯坦进口商共计 271 个 GTA (Global Trade Analysis System), the world's largest trade intelligence data...
日历0 49100000 calendar 挂历0 49100000 印刷图片0 49119100 picture 纸画0 49119100 PICTURE 合纤制长丝缝纫线/零售用0 54011020 LINE 松紧带/纺织材料包覆0 56041000 松紧绳/纺织材料包覆0 56041000 塑料绳/已编结,聚乙烯制0 56074900.9 尼龙绳/已编织,塑料浸渍涂布0 56075000.9 CORD 化纤地毯平方米57050020 footclo...
Measure and calculate calendar time. Create and interpret data Interpret parallel time in time lines. lines from different places and cultures. Trace and describe continuity and change across cultures. Identify cause-and-effect Identify and explain relationships. cause-and-effect relationships. Identify ...