// "changed" single-value leaf nodes (this does apply to the value)staticCfgNode* _create_commit_cfg_node(constCfgNode& cn,constCpath& p,conststring& val1,conststring& val2,booldef1,booldef2) {CfgNode*node =newCfgNode(cn); _set_node_commit_state(*node, COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED,false); ...
首先,需要从 yacs.config 模块中导入 CfgNode 类: python from yacs.config import CfgNode 2. 创建一个CfgNode对象 创建一个 CfgNode 对象作为配置信息的容器: python cfg = CfgNode() 3. 向CfgNode对象中添加配置信息 可以向 CfgNode 对象中添加各种配置信息,这些信息可以是基本的数据类型,也可以是嵌套的 CfgN...
staticvoid_get_commit_prio_subtrees(CfgNode *sroot, PrioNode& parent) {if(!sroot) {return; } PrioNode *pn = &parent;// need a local copy since nodes can be detachedvector<CfgNode *> cnodes = sroot->getChildNodes();if(sroot->getPriority() && (sroot->isValue() || !sroot->is...
importyamlfromyacs.configimportCfgNodeasCN_C=CN()# Data settings_C.DATA=CN()# Batch size for a single GPU, could be overwritten by command line argument_C.DATA.BATCH_SIZE=128# Model settings_C.MODEL=CN()# Model type_C.MODEL.TYPE='swin' 如何设置神经网络的参数 config = _C.clone() #...
0. 前言目标:走马观花,两天时间浏览Detectron2源码,稍微记录一下。 与 TensorFlow Object Detection ...
今天在跑代码的时候,使用到了wandb记录训练数据。 我在23服务器上跑的好好的,但将环境迁移到80服务器上重新开始跑时,却遇到了如下报错 看这个报错信息是由于wandb没有apis这个属性,于是我定位到具体的报错代码 😯原来程序在import wandb时就抛出异常了。
Windows Server 2003 End of server support Windows Server 2003 IDL ClusCfgServer.idl DLL ClCfgSrv.dll IID IID_IClusCfgNodeInfo is defined as E4B5FA15-DD07-439E-A623-8823524E3D19 See also IClusCfgNodeInfo SDriveLetterMapping EDriveLetterUsage...
type(value), name, _VALID_TYPES AssertionError: Invalid type <class 'fastreid.config.config.CfgNode'> for key MODEL; valid types = {<class 'list'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'tuple'>, <class 'bool'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'dict'>} ...
There are two notes that apply to both the OM CC and OM DC: You must deploy the nodes on the same server. These nodes cannot be distributed like other nodes. In the Node Performance window, there are no counts associated with the nodes. ...
在下文中一共展示了CfgNode::commitSubtreeChanged方法的1個代碼示例,這些例子默認根據受歡迎程度排序。您可以為喜歡或者感覺有用的代碼點讚,您的評價將有助於係統推薦出更棒的C++代碼示例。 示例1: ▲點讚 9▼ staticvoid_set_commit_subtree_changed(CfgNode& node) ...