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想要在《CS:GO》中快速同步cfg和键位,你需要掌握一些技巧。本文将为你介绍一种简单易行的方法,帮助你快速同步cfg和键位,提高游戏体验。无需繁琐的操作,只需简单几步,让你轻松同步游戏数据。跟随本文的指导,让你在游戏中轻松发挥实力,赢得胜利。 想要在《CS:GO》中快速同步cfg和键位,你需要掌握一些技巧。本文将为...
Name "interz" on vpesports - professional CS:GO player, download settings and config (cfg) interz in CS:GO, social networks, Crosshair, skins
Name "JACKZ" on vpesports - professional CS:GO player, download settings and config (cfg) JACKZ in CS:GO, social networks, Crosshair, skins
软件全程断网操作,不会盗取您的游戏信息。 软件介绍 点击按钮一键同步CFG文件并保存同步之前的CFG文件,防止因为操作失误导致的参数丢失。 隐藏内容需要回复可以看见 已重置-4969 Lv.8 楼主辛苦了,谢谢楼主,楼主好人一生平安! 请登录之后再进行评论 任务系统 帖子间隔侧栏位置:左...
Move the cfg file to your CS:GO cfg folder. Normally located in: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg When you have started a local game server, open the console and type: exec practicecfg The game will restart and all the settings are now enabled. ...
在CS:GO的游戏启动项中添加: +exec startexec 以启用这份文件包。 简介 你可以在文件包中的startexec.cfg中修改文件包提供的启动模式。 你可以在本文件中给出的选项中选取你喜欢的启动模式, 每次启动游戏都将是相同的启动模式, 不会因为在游戏中对以下内容的修改而改变。
GO can add something to the game code through thedeveloper console. Also, players can setCS:GO launch optionswith the same effect. And practically, CS:GO config file is just another way to bring your changes into the game code. The difference is that the .cfg is a more reliable way to...