admin:/diagnose> fs cfg listfs fs_name: test fs_Id: 1 filesystemtype : 1 application mode: 0 rdc: 0 sectorSize: 16384 rw status: 0 Atime update mod: -1 Atime Enable: 0 storage pool Id: 0 running status: 27 consistence type: 0 acl mode: 0 application scenario: 3 capacity: 687194...
admin:/diagnose> fs cfg listfs fs_name: test fs_Id: 1 filesystemtype : 1 application mode: 0 rdc: 0 sectorSize: 16384 rw status: 0 Atime update mod: -1 Atime Enable: 0 storage pool Id: 0 running status: 27 consistence type: 0 acl mode: 0 application scenario: 3 capacity: 687194...
<?xml version="1.0"?> <categories default="Red Category" lastSavedSession="5" lastSavedTime="2007-12-28T03:01:50.429" xmlns="CategoryList.xsd"> <category name="Red Category" color="0" keyboardShortcut="0" usageCount="7" lastTimeUsedNotes="1601-01-01T00:00:00.000" lastTimeUsedJournal...
A category list is a type of configuration data, as specified in section 2.2.5, that contains a list of textual labels (or categories) with associated data, such as color. Other attributes of a category include a shortcut key that can be used to apply a category, a usage counter, the...
A category list is a type of configuration data, as specified in section 2.2.5, that contains a list of textual labels (or categories) with associated data, such as color. Other attributes of a category include a shortcut key that can be used to apply a category, a usage counter, the...
streif-user@cocoplum:~$ sysrepocfg --set '/test:container/list[idx=0]/leaf' --set-value=1 --datastore startup [ERR] (cl_request_process:562) Error by processing of the set-item-str request (session id=1195311050): Invalid argument. ...
HRESULT AddNodeToList( [in] BSTR bstrNodeNameIn ); ParametersbstrNodeNameIn [in] Identifier of the computer to add to the list of nodes to add to the cluster. The identifier can be the host name label, fully qualified DNS domain name, or IP address of the computer. If the identifier...
For some reason, the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/libisccfg-export90.list was filled with 0x00 bytes. I've mounted the original image and the file is okay. It looks like something happened after the installation.. I'll test a bit more tomorrow, maybe the SD card isn't healthy or whatever...