成果以第一或通讯作者发表在Chem Soc Rev, The Innovation, Advanced Science , J Med Chem( 39 篇),Acta Pharm Sin B, Elife, Drug Resist Updat, Med Res Rev, J Med Virol等期刊, H指数为49;申请及授权专利34项;主编...
Bring SONiC NOS to shine in customer's view. What we need to see: • Student of B.Sc. or Master degree or equivalent experi来自BOSS直聘ence in Computer Science / SW / Computer Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Communication Engineering. • Intrinsically motivated with a desire for auto...
以第一或共同第一作者在Clinical and Translational Medicine, Cancer Letters, OncoImmunology, Frontiers in Immunology, International Journal of Biological Science等期刊共发表SCI论文三十余篇,影响因子共计约190分,其中单篇最高被他引超70...
Neo4j Graph Data Science:GDS包括图算法、图转换和机器学习管道,通过Neo4j DBMS内的Cypher程序进行操作。 流处理平台 Apache Flink:一个开源流处理框架,具有强大的流处理和批处理能力,由柏林工业大学发起的项目。 Apache RocketMQ:云原生消息传递和流媒体平台,可以轻松构建事件驱动的应用程序,由阿里开源。 Apache Kafka...
composition chimique, pays bas, historia, aminoacidos, datos de produccion, champignon comestible, netherlands, setas comestibles, great britain, history, growing media, propagacion de plantas, pleurotus, donnee de production, edible fungi, paises bajos, valor nutritivo, chemical composition, agaricu...
Alpine lake sediments and glacier ice cores retrieved from high mountain regions can provide long-term records of atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic contaminants such as mercury (Hg). In this study, eight lake sediment cores and one... S Kang,H Jie,F Wang,... - 《Environmental Science &...
2 Priority Research Centre for Cancer Research, Innovation & Translation, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Hunter Medical Research Institute, New Lambton Heights, NSW 2305, Australia; Jennifer.Schneider@newcastle.edu.au 3 Centre for Plant Science, School of Environmental and...
2 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran * Correspondence: adrian.matencioduran@unito.it or adrian.matencio@um.es (A.M.); francesco.trotta@unito.it (F.T.) Abstract: Cyclodextrins (CDs) and cyclodextrin (CD)-based polymers are well...
例如,siRNA 2'-F 和2'-O-Me 修饰可以帮助其对抗RNases,并防止 siRNAs 激活先天免疫受体(TLR、MDA-5 和 RIG-I)。mRNA疫苗的优化主要在5′cap structure, ORF, flanking 5′ 3′-UTRs ,3′-poly (A) tail五个位置上进行,通过序列优化、核苷修饰或UTR的序列替换...
A.G. Espantaleon,J.A. Nieto,M. Fernandez,... - 《Applied Clay Science》 被引量: 271发表: 2003年 Green chemistry for dyes removal from waste water new trends in removing heavy metals from industrial innovative processes for treating industrial wastewater containing heavy metals often involve tec...