针对你遇到的ANSYS License Manager错误:“request name cfd_solve_level2 does not exist”,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和分析,帮助你解决这个问题: 确认ANSYS版本和许可证类型: 首先,确保你安装的ANSYS版本与你尝试使用的许可证类型相匹配。不同版本的ANSYS可能需要不同类型的许可证。 检查ANSYS的安装文档或官方网站,...
Hi,I installed the fluid package 2021 R2 and have a problem when I try to start Fluent: Failover feature 'CFD Solver - Level 2' is not available. Request name cfd_solve_level2 does not exist in the licensing pool. User/host not on INCLUDE list for featur
the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the port or hostname in the license file has been changed. Feature: cfd_solve_level2 Server name: License path: 1055@DESKTOP-ABC123; FlexNet Licensing error:-15,10032 License ID: License checkout failed (CF...