在Turbo栏中初始化一下之后下面有不同类型的叶轮机械性能效率计算 选择相应的类型 Ref Radius 参考半径,会自动给一个,修改之后report也无变化,没懂是干什么的 Fluid Gamma 流体比热比1.4 点击Calculate 点击View Report查看结果 主要是看report最下面的效率
mesh quality data * Solution variables *来自结果文件♦ L/ser Defined variables *创建新的变量 * Turbo variables *为透平机械算例自动创建的变量 Outline | Variables | Expressions Calculators + 29、 Derived + Geometric 曰凶 Solution Xf Absolute Pressure Aspect Ratio Courant Number JJ Density 対 Dynami...
4.7. Calculators Workspace 4.8. Turbo Workspace 5. ANSYS CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench 5.1. The ANSYS Workbench Interface 5.1.1. Toolbox 5.1.2. Project Schematic: Introduction 5.1.3. View Bar 5.1.4. Properties View 5.1.5. Files View
4173 ParaView Topics related to the software packages developed by Kitware Inc. [OpenFOAM]How to increase the reading... bytomf Yesterday06:04 2,6259,205 Tecplot Topics related to the software packages developed by Tecplot Inc. Label points on 3D surfaces ...
Torque in CFD-Post Hi, I have went through many threads regarding this, so i hope i am not repeating. I calculated torque about an co-ordinate system using 'torque_z_C1()@airfoil3'. The value that i obtained is 1000 order less than what i am getting experimentally. I want to calcul...
into simulation predictions.Results from different analyses or design variants can be directly compared, either by examining them side by side or by evaluating differences, all within a single ANSYS CFD-Post session.Geometry courtesy CADFEM GmbH 12.1R E L E A S E ANSYS ®CFD-Post TM ...
系统标签: cfdansyspostturbomachineryjoulichimages GettheMostOutofYourResultswithANSYS ® CFD-Post TM Computationalfluiddynamics(CFD)simulationsdon’tendwiththefluidflowprediction.Benefiting fromthepredictionrequirespost-processingthatgivesuserscompleteinsightintotheirfluid dynamicssimulationresults.ANSYSCFD-Postsoftware...