The Autodesk® CFD Viewer reads Dynamic Images (".vtfx"), which contain the model geometry, results, display attributes, and animation settings. They are fully navigable, so unlike static images, they allow direct interaction for a deeper understanding of the results....
libigl - A simple C++ geometry processing library Mayo is a 3D viewer and converter inspired by FreeCad DualSPHysicsis based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model namedSPHysics. The code is developed to study free-surface flow phenomena where Eulerian methods can be difficult to apply, such...
1 首先双击打开软件CFD-post,如图所示。2 其次打开的页面如图所示,背景颜色为渐变的天真蓝。然后点击框选中的Edit 3 接下来会出现Options的选项,点击出现如下页面。4 在Viewer中可以看到如下的选项。此时,在Background中为更改背景的区间,其中蓝色的区域可以在右侧点击更改你想要的颜色,假如我想要更改白色,那更改...
A free results viewer is all well and good but pretty useless without any results data to load into it. As such I’m making available here some of the worked examples I’ve created for some of my previous blog entries. First thing to do is to download the viewer itself (64...
如图2,这是更改之后的把K式温度转变成摄氏温度。现在把摄氏温度再改回去,其实方法很简单。 在color bar(颜色条)右击,选择最后一个选项“Viewer Options” 在这个对话框中就可以找到Units选项了。 点击Units选项后,选择Custom选项,进行自定义单位,这时的每个单位都可以根据自己的需要进行设定。
For consultation requests or access to our viewer software, please clarify your needs in the form here. request(opens in a new tab) English(US) US Trademarks Terms of Use Privacy Cookie Policy Accessibility Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information(opens in a new tab)...
Viewer 右键菜单 在Viewer中点击右键,显示出相关的菜单 在物体上右键点击(如,边框线, 面),显示物体...