The model was first run in calm water conditions free to trim and sink so that the basic resistance could be obtained, for both the design and the slow steaming speeds. The model was then run in a seaway, to allow the ship motions to be observed and to allow the added resistance due ...
Most methods are based on a limited amount of experimental data, so these models are only applicable to specific conditions. Due to the lack of an accurate and general erosion prediction model, “rule of thumb” design guidelines are adopted for many situations in industrial practice, which ...
CONVERGE 3.0 writes the post (post*.h5), restart (restart*.rst), and map (map*.h5) files in HDF5 format, which is an industry standard format with a proven track record in terms of performance and scalability. These files are binary but can be viewed and edited using standard HDF5 ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( and Cite MDPI and ACS Style Pandey, S.; Saha, I.; Prakash, O.; Mukherjee, T.; Iqbal, J.; Roy, ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( and Cite MDPI and ACS Style Zhang, Z.; Zeng, L.; Shi, H.; Liu, H.; Yin, W.; Shen, H.; ...
Quick Python Intro—For Python novices, this lesson introduces the numerical libraries (NumPy and Matplotlib), Python variables, use of whitespace, and slicing arrays. Step 1—Linear convection with a step-function initial condition (IC) and appropriate boundary conditions (BCs). ...
Investigation of a standard gate valve in terms of flow rate, opening distance and wedge angle with CFDdoi:10.14744/thermal.0000870COMPUTATIONAL fluid dynamicsPRESSURE drop (Fluid dynamics)FLOW velocityVALVESWEDGESGate valves provide sealing with metal-to-metal friction. When th...
This class will cover the use of Autodesk CFD software as a design analysis tool for fire and smoke simulation in buildings. We will examine how fire contaminant and smoke generation is modeled, and take you through the procedures and techniques necessary to obtain an efficient solution. You ...
This means the equations are solved for each phase separately and coupled with each other in the source terms. Therefore, solving two-phase CFD models, the 3D modeling, considering the effect of turbulent flow imposes massive computational efforts. The PSO algorithm-based fuzzy inference system (...
However, a Scopus search using the terms; “Moyamoya” + “computational fluid dynamics” or “CFD” reveals less than 10 publications that explored the blood dynamics features associated with MMD but with no possible link to early MMD pathology or symptomatology. In this work we show, for the...