CFC 的淘汰在很大程度上是通过使用 HFC(氢氟烃)进行替代来完成的,而且这一替代过程并未对安装和运行期间的安全性造成影响。然而,正如我们今天所知,HFC 的广泛采用最终成为导致全球变暖的主要原因。 R22 是一种突出的 HCFC 制冷剂,因为其适用性极广。但是,由于 R22 可能会对臭氧产生轻微的破坏作用,因此也...
prices for HFC-134aand HCFC-22,CFCstockpiles could quickly be transformed into a costly liability. 随着廉价的无须改造设备的 CFC-12 替代物质进入市场以及 HFC-134a和HCFC-22价格的下跌,氟氯化碳库的储存很快将成为一笔高昂债务。
This paper presents a survey of existing data for HFC refrigerants and presents new measurements for those HFC blends that have been identified as long term replacements for CFCs and HCFCs. The data collection includes permittivity, electrical conductivity and breakdown voltage. Values are given for ...
•可检测CFC、HCFC和HFC等混合制冷剂的泄漏。 •可视、可昕报警,具备**功能。 •磁性挂钩、挂放方便。 •美国TIF红外CFC测漏检测仪IR-1耐用型便携式仪器箱,便于设备的携带和储存。 •符合新SAE J2791检漏标准。 •2009年获美国«MOTOR»杂志20佳汽车维修设备。
CFC & HCFC制冷剂无氟替换指引 R423A环保制冷剂 替换:氟利昂R12(FREON 12) 应用:用于直接替换现存的离心式冷水机组(中央空调)上使用的R12的一种新型环保制冷剂。 优点:提供简单、快速、高效的直接替换;HFC类制冷剂,ODP值为零;替换时只需将冷冻机油更换成酯类油(POE),而无需对系统进行额外冲洗;仍可继续使用现有...
Emissions of the refrigerants HFC-134a, HCFC-22, and CFC-12 from road traffic: results from a tunnel study (Gubrist Tunnel, Switzerland). These gases are used as refrigerants in car air conditioning systems (A/C-systems) and in cool aggregates for refrigeration transport. All three ... KO...
We have investigated the global warming potential (GWP) of CFC-I I, CFC-12, and their replacements, HCFC-I23 and HFC-I34a, based on a life-cycle methodology for refrigeration. We have extended the definition of the total equivalent warming impact (TEWI), which considers the GWP (direct) ...
A comprehensive study by National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) researchers has laid to rest suspicions that hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) substitutes for ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) might themselves contribute to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. The new laboratory measurement...
作者: M Heidenreich 摘要: Presents an update on the available refrigerants in the United States as of June 1996. Ban on the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC); Regulation on the production of HCFC-free equipment after 2010; HCFC phaseout schedule. 年份: 1996 收藏...