(1)CFA官方教材(CFA Curriculum)(约3500页) (2)CFA一级中英文教材 (3)CFA精要图解 (4)CFA协会道德手册(Standards of Practice Handbook) (5)历年MOCK以及考试专用计算题 (6)CFA押题密卷 (7)CFA考纲(考纲中出现的变化内容一般都是考试重要考点) (8)CFA题库 觉得有用的话,不妨点个赞,您的鼓励是我创作最...
一级Level I (考生至少需要完成一项):金融建模(Financial Modeling)Python编程基础(Python Programming F...
3、CFA备考资料: CFA***(CFA Curriculum)(约3500页)、CFANotes(约1500页)、CFA一级中英文教材、CFA精要图解、CFA协会道德手册(Standards of Practice Handbook)、历年MOCK以及考试专用计算题。
CFA协会官网电子版教材,是含在报名费里。点击Study板块的Download Curriculum即可进入到PDF下载页面,原版书课后题包含在教材内。 (2)Mock Exam Mock是协会给大家提供的模拟题,在考前建议大家可以去练一练Mock题目的,另外,三级考生也可以在Prepare板块,找到关于主观题写作的相关资料(Tips for Taking the Essay Exam),...
CFA Level III Class Options Choose your class format: On-Demand or Live Online. OnDemand Live OnlineOnDemand Masterclass After you’ve finished your learning assignments for a specific topic of the CFA Program curriculum, your Masterclass ensures you have a strong grasp on the topic. ...
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT PATHWAYCFA ® Program Curriculum2025 • LEVEL III PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT PATHWAY • VOLUME 2© CFA Institute. For candidate use only. Not for distribution. 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/programs/cfa/candidate/2023-level-i-curriculum-changes 3.官方书课后题变动 此项内容协会并没有对此发布官方的说明,但新增和删除的课后题对应的考点考生应当格外重视,23年在官方教材课后题部分变化较大,出现了很多调整和增删。
Keep your momentum going with FinQuiz's curriculum notes and other key study tools. We give you comprehensive knowledge of core concepts, real-world examples, and expert advice. The prep that gets you ready to pass the Level I CFA Exam on your first try. ...
2025 CFA Level II Topic Changes The 2025 CFA curriculum topics at Level II had their names changed slightly from what they were in 2024. Financial Statement Analysis had it's name changed to Financial Reporting Analysis. Equity Investments had it's name changed to Equity Valuation. Also Portfoli...
就是由CFA协会编写的Curriculum,在CFA协会官网Registered Candidate Resources,选择Downloadable Curriculum就...