Ensure you are prepared for the CFA Level 2 exam with study materials from Kaplan Schweser. Shop our exam prep products and get a competitive edge for exam day.
Target 350 hours study time for Level 2 preparation: With 18 weeks remaining, that implied nearly 20 hours a week of study hours. To make things worse, I had long hours during the work week in banking and simply didn’t have the focus to absorb anything after work. So I only could...
5+ hours of recorded video explanations for vignette-based questions 3 mock exams that mimic the real Level II CFA exam Unlimited Professor Q&A Access 1,300 slides of comprehensive study notes Content developed by industry-leading experts The Princeton Review’s Pass Assurance – Pass the Level...
Shop Level II Packages Proven Strategies for the 2025 CFA®Level II Study Cycle Find no surprises on exam day. Research shows it takes more than 300 hours to properly prepare for the CFA Level II exam—partner with the provider who knows how to maximize every minute of your study time. ...
B. A CFA charterholder’s level of professionalism C. Comment on testing and curriculum 解析:选B。成为持证人也表明你比没有持证的人更专业,这违反了CFA协会标准VII(B),夸大了持证的意义。 39. 制裁方案 制裁。图片来源于网络 ⭐ Q46-39 Kovi continues, “We have also received several complaints...
2月14日是第二阶段报名优惠报名结束日。 CFA level1 的考试 6个小时 上午 3小时 下午3小时 Morning session (3 hours): 120 multiple choice questions, covering all topics Afternoon session (3 hours): 120 multiple choice questions, covering all topics ...
1. CFA Level 3 exam question types: essay questions (including multiple-choice and writing questions), case analysis questions First exam (2 hours and 15 minutes): 8-11 essay questions, including multiple-choice questions and writing questions (for example, when answering multiple-choice questions...
Our free 14-day trial includes a mock exam and full topic with 10+ hours of study materials. Plus, try our custom quiz builder. No credit card required. Enter your email:Your CFA® Exam:Level ILevel IILevel IIIStart Today The Best CFA Study Materials ...
Due to the amount of material covered on the exams, the CFA® Institute recommends that candidates begin preparing for each exam level at least six months in advance. They also suggest at least 300 study hours per level. Using a recommendedCFA® study programcan get you there. ...
Navigating the CFA Level 1 syllabus without a clear, concise study plan can lead to information overload and burnout. Without the right focus, you risk spending countless hours on CFA Level 1 readings without truly grasping key concepts. Imagine feeling underprepared as the exam day approaches—...