Level II tests: How you apply those standards to situations analysts face, emphasize more complex analysis,along with a focus on valuing asserts Level III tests: How you apply the standards in a portfolio management and compliance context. 所以这到底是什么意思呢?让小编来给你解析一下~ CFA一级主...
4.3、特别提一下,LV2 里面的 sustainable income 和 normalized income,这个不是同样的概念,前者是 nonreoccurrence & nonoperational adjusted income,后者是 mid-business circle level of income。 FRA就这么多吧,请高度重视这个 topic。另外提供一份 IFRS和 USGAAP的对比吧,在下面的附件中,实在烦人的东西,希望帮...