It is important to note that the weights should represent the company'starget capital structure, not the current capital structure. \bold{\color{blue}{WACC=w_d * r_d(1-t) + w_p* r_p +w_e * r_e}}其中w为对应的目标(targeted)权重,r是marginal cost, p指优先股,e是变通股 对于noncon...
5.1 CME: Capital Market Expectation(R3-R4) IT熊猫:【CFA3】CME-1: Macroeconomic Analysis IT熊猫:【CFA3】CME-2: Microeconomic Analysis 5.2 AA: Asset Allocation(R5-R7) IT熊猫:【CFA3】AA-1: Asset Allocation Overview IT熊猫:【CFA3】AA-2: Asset Allocation Approach IT熊猫:【CFA3】AA-3: AA ...
CFA Level 1 通过率仅有42%; CFA Level 2 通过率略高46%; 只有CFA Level 3 通过率超过50%,但也只有54%! 所以,CFA的考前准备是非常重要的! 如何制定CFA学习计划 要想通过每个级别的CFA考试,你需要学习300个小时以上,这已经是老生常谈了。但这...
CFA Level 1 Exam Structure Exam FrequencyHeld 4x a year in Feb, May, Aug and Nov. See thelatest CFA exam datesand ourjourney planner toolfor more information to plan your registration. Question formatMultiple choice questions (MCQ).
CFALevelIFramework No.5:FrameworkofCorporateFinance IntroductiontoCorporateernanceandOtherESG Considerations CapitalBudgeting WorkingCapitalManagement CostofCapital MeasuresofLeverage 10-93 CFALevelIFramework No.6:FrameworkofEquity EquityMarketIntroduction MarketOrganizationandStructure SecurityMarketIndices MarketEfficien...
在备考过程中会发现CFALevel1和CFA Level 2差别还是很大的,需要不同的学习方法和心态对待。 CFA考试主要采用的是案例分析单选题考核的模式。这一考核模式,是CFA协会自2000年开始的,于2005年正式确定CFA二级的考试模式,更有针对性。案例分析的方式可以非常cfa level 2 与 cfa level 1差别在哪里直观地评测出考生的...
Type1errorandtype2H0isH0isDonotrejectCorrectIncorrectDecisionType2errorRejectIncorrectSignificancelevel=P(type1CorrectPoweroftest=1-P(type2Type1 →Type2IncreasetheSampleSize→type1error&type2Independentμ1-μ2=tPairedcomparisonstest(计算检验统计量μd=Normallydistributedpopulation(1个方差σ2=Twoindependent...
Read this in-depth guide about the CFA Level I Corporate Issuers topic, which summarizes all the readings and provides expert study tips from Kaplan Schweser.
in a price searcher industry structure (anything not perfect competition) price is ___ marginal revenue greater than kinked demand curve assumes that each firm in a market believes that at some price, demand is more elastic for a price increase than a price decrease Cournot Model Oligopoly model...
The CFA program consists of three exams: theCFA Level I, Level II, and Level III. CFA candidates are required to pass each of these exams and must meet certain work requirements as set out by the CFA Institute. The CFA exams are also difficult to pass; in August 2024, the passing rate...