CFA®Level 1 Practice Exams We have spoken about the importance of practice and especially CFA® exam practice. To help CFA® Level I students get more practice with their exam, we have developed a series of CFA Level I mock exams. It is highly recommended that student set aside 3 ...
CFA CFA-Level-I 考試大綱: 主題簡介 主題1 Quantitative Methods 主題2 Financial Reporting and Analysis . 主題3 Ethical and Professional Standards 參考: CFA-Level-I 考試培訓材料常見問題 ...
2021 Level I Practice Exam-Alternative Investments 1.Which of the following characteristics of a target company is likely the least attractive for a leveraged buyout?A. Substantial amount of physical assets B. Strong and sustainable cash flow C. High leverage 2. Collectibles are least likely to ...
Pass CFA Exams: CFA is a three part exam with three levels - CFA Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. It is a mandatory requirement to pass all three CFA exams along with the applicable practical skills modules. Get the Qualified Work Experience: CFA program requires candidates to complete 4,00...
For some practice, here is our upgraded, free CFA Level 1 mock exam that reflects the latest CFA exam curriculum. This is a 2 hour 15 minutes, 90-question CFA practice testweighted to the guidance set by CFA Institutefor the actual CFA exam. ...
所以我们一直理解的正确率70%这个基准,并未得到官方认证,而且从最近几次一级的通过情况看,实际应该是73%,74%的样子。 2.通过率下降原因分析 事实上由于机考抽题的随机性,以前我们偏向于重点的复习方式,甚至某些科目战略放弃,总体保持约70%正确率的应对,在现在的环境下,大概率是还尚不足的,有以下几个原因: ...
一、Notes的致命伤 二、推荐的学习组合:“你懂的”网课+原版书精华部分 1)如何能买到便宜的网课 2...
我复习用的是Schweser CFA Level I Notes(Kaplan出品),一共6本,5本是笔记(Notes),1本是Sample Exam(2014年后官方不再提供Sample Exam,大家可使用MOCK Exam)。 >>>CFA提分秘籍点我了解<<< 后来我还买了一本Schweser出的Practice Exam,但因为时间问题,没来得及看。
Level1-EXAM1Morning minutes-Level1-EXAM1Morning mmiinnuutteess--LLeevveell11--EEXXAAMM11MMoorrnniinngg Youcanprintthispagebygoingtofile-printinyourinternetbrowser Ethics-18Questions-27minutes Ethics-18Questions-27minutes EEtthhiiccss--1188uueessttiioonnss--2277mmiinnuutteess Question1-23379 Based...
刚开始做第一套practice exam的时候很不舒服,正确率只有大概六成,然后时间要用掉三个多小时。不过,感觉正确率和速度都提高得很快,基本上一本做完之后,已经可以控制在七八成的正确率,并且两个小时做完。我实际的考试里除了Alternative Investments和Derivatives之外,都达到了七成的正确率,然后上下午两场都是大概一个半...