解析 C 答案解析 :CFA Institute StandardsC is correct as selective disclosure occurs when companies discriminate in making material nonpublic information public. Corporations that disclose information on a limited basis create the potential for insider -trading violations. Standard II (A)....
1、With respect to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of ProfessionalConduct, which of the following is least likely to prompt an inquiry by the CFAInstitute Professional Conduct Program?【单选题】 A. Written complaints received by Professional Conduct staffs. B. A violation report sub...
伦理(Ethics)是一套指导我们行为的道德原则,可能是一个社区或社会团体共享的道德原则 Standards of conduct → minimally acceptable behavior Q1-2-2 [Mock]Which of the following statements is most likely consistent with the CFA Institute Code of Ethics? CFA Institute members and CFA candidates must: A....
Regarding her research, Gretta least likely violated the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct because: A. her report is a draft. B. this practice benefits all clients. C. the long-standing client relationships are not disclosed. 解析:(易错!)C是正确的,因为分析师...
1、A. CFA考试CFA一级历年真题精选28(附详解)1、AccordingtotheCFAInstituteCodeofEthicsandStandardsofProfessionalConduct,tradingonmaterialnonpublicinformationisleastlikelytobepreventedbyestablishing:【单选题】fire-walls.B. watchlists.C. selectivedisclosure.正确答案:C答案解析:CFAInstituteStandardsCiscorrectasselective...
1.Agree to follow the CFAInstitute Code ofEthics and Standards of Professional Conduct.同意并准守CFA职业道德操守与专业行为准则。 2.Pass the CFA Programexams for Levels I, II, and III. 依次通过CFA三个级别的考试。 3.At least 4,000 hours of relevant experience,completed in a minimum of 36 ...
CFA考生只要完成三个阶段的6-hourCFA考试,持有学士学位并且累积至少四年投资决策相关经验,以及遵守CFA的道德标准守则(Code of Ethics and Standards),这样便可以得到特许财务分析师(CFA)资格。 只要拥有一个大学学士学位,无论是哪个学系毕业,均可报考CFA考试。可是,无论考生在大学所修读的是与CFA内容相关的学系、学...
Kevin Danko, CFA, is PIA5s owner and chief investment officer and supervises May Chau, a recently hired portfolio manager. PIA has adopted the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. Chau is enrolled to sit for the Level III CFA examination. In its marketing ...
CFA Institute Seeks Public Comment on Code and Standards.Reports that the CFA Institute is seeking public comment on its proposal to revise the guidance for its "Code of Ethics" and "Standards of Professional Conduct" in the U.S. Guidance on financial standards....
一、道德操守与专业行为准则(Ethical and Professional Standards) 该科目的重点是道德、有关道德行为的挑战、以及道德和专业水平在投资行业中的影响。考生可以学习掌握支持进行道德决策的一套框架,并检验CFA Institute 道德操守与专业行为准则(Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct)、全球投资业绩标准(Gl...