détendez-vous à Bayonne ou Espelette, toutes les deux à l’architecture typique. Goûtez-y quelques mouchous, sorte de macarons locaux dont la signification veut dire «
The purpose of this study was to analyze the contemporary architecture from a point of view in which architecture makes a relationship with 'urbanity' or the city. I call this phenomena to 'architecturalization of urbanity'. On the assumption that the system and its components of 'architectural...
Key words: semiotics architecture;Buddhism architecture;Zen;semiotic structure,semiotic signification ;semiotic application 符号在通常看来是一个复杂的概念,其实符号离我们的生活很近。在我国古代,符号的存在可以追溯到中国的甲骨文。西方符号学的萌芽是从希腊医学家波克拉底的《论预后诊断》开始的[1],其后得到了长足...
Perception, Phantasie, Signification: The Ambiguous Status of Imagination in Husserl's Logical Investigations Classical western metaphysics has, since Plato, been suspicious of the role and place of imagination in philosophy. This suspicion has not only generated c... MAB Jalalum - 《Kritike An Onli...
Based on the analysis of signification of distributed heterogeneous databases and limitation of static connection pool, This paper puts forward the dynamic connection pool service. 该文提出了对数据库连接池技术优化的动态连接池服务的概念,分析了传统静态连接池的局限性,从动态响应用户请求、即时处理连接分配...
汪榕培:21世纪英语词汇学课件 21世纪的英语词汇学 ·汪榕培·1.英语词汇学研究的历史和现状2.两本词汇学巨著的启示意义3.三本词汇学概论的参照价值4.新编的英语词汇学系列教材 I.英语词汇学研究的历史和现状 在中国和西方的语文学研究中,“词”一直是不可或缺的内容;英语的lexicology(词汇学)这个名称是Noah...
<<Theoringzing a New Agenda for Architecture>> 1. Postmoderism: Architectural Responses to the crisis within Modernism 2. Semiotics and Structuralism: the question of Signification 3. Poststructuralism and Deconstruction: the issuses of Originality and Authorship 4. Historicism: the problem of Traditi...