chainfire。eu/363/CF-Root/CF-Auto-Root/CF-Auto-Root-hammerhead-hammerhead-nexus5。zip把句号换成“.” SoYeon 玩机大神 11 正在下不过好慢 无鱼的萌喵 技术宅 10 你们是穿越的吗,这东西13号就有了 大写zh nexusS 6 谁测试下啊,全屏助手不能用很不舒服 无鱼的萌喵 技术宅 10 姑娘从了...
Make sure you get the correct file. do not use incorrect will be brick your android. FLASH COUNTER If your target device has a custom firmware flash counter, Auto-Root will trigger it. If you're lucky,Triangle Awayhas support for your device and can be used to reset the counter...
- 下载并解压CF-Auto-Root-...zip文件 - 如果你解压出来的文件是recovery.img及cache.img两次,你需要重新解压,最后解压出来的是一个.tar.md5类型的文件,这下就别解压了 - (USB)断开手机与电脑的连接 - 打开Odin3-vX.X.exe> - 点击PDA 按钮,并选择解压出来的CF-Auto-Root-...tar.md5- 手机进入download...
7月份的左右,ROM中国在《Odin 刷入CF-Auto-Root,轻松获取三星Galaxy S5 G900F/G900H/G900* root权限》一文中已以比较简陋的文字作了介绍,包括了通过ODIN刷机工具刷入相应机型的CF-Auto-Root文件来获取ROOT权限。折腾过三星手机的朋友一定已对CF-Auto-Root(主页)耳熟能详,甚至比博主了解得更加深入。而这一次,ROM...
Android5.0一键ROOT工具CF-AutoRoot 就像很多果粉们在追iOS系统一样,对Android系统的版本更新也是非常关注。不久之前谷歌发布了Android5.0,之前提到过Android5.0的ROOT难度提高了,但今日有大神解决了该问题。 Android5.0 XDA论坛的大神Chainfire刚刚放出了新版CF-Auto Root,可以Root几乎所有安卓5.0 Nexus系列设备,具体包括...
I have G935S which is korean variant. But it is already modded with firmware of FD. It is done to convert it to dual sim. It has recovery of S but ROM of FD. Should I get CF autoroot for S or for FD? Anyother suggestion you can give me? I tried kingoroot which failed.You...
【root】CF-Auto-R,Android 5.0 Lollipop CF-Auto-Roots now also available for Nexus 5, Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi and Nexus 10下载
You need to end up with a .tar.md5 file - don't extract that one - (USB) Disconnect your phone from your computer - Start Odin3-vX.X.exe - Click the PDA button, and select CF-Auto-Root-...tar.md5 - Put your phone in download mode (turn off phone, then hold VolDown+Home+Po...
CF-Auto-Root Updated with Support for Over 300 devices! Popular rooting method CF-Auto-Root has been updated with support for newer firmwares of over 300 devices. Read on over to know more! By Aamir Siddiqui Dec 27, 2015 Chainfire Releases CF-Auto-Roots For Nexus Line Chainfire updated...