在以下在線跟踪系統中輸入CeX訂單跟踪編號,以在線檢查您的實時快遞,包裹,運輸,包裹狀態和獲取預計交貨日期信息。 CeX訂單客戶服務部門: - 電話聯繫電話:沒有信息 電子郵件ID:沒有信息 其他類似的信使,您可能想跟踪: - Shree Nandan快遞跟踪 PTT波斯塔(土耳其郵政)跟踪 ...
On checking our system, I can see the store from where you were supposed to collect this item was unable to find it after your order request went to them so they had to cancel this request and hence it had to go through to the delivery option.I assure you an online order is usually...