The value of the field is less than the value of the parameter. This condition can be used for all types. Its parameter: value: The value that is examined during the comparison An example of a YAML configuration: condition: IsLess value: 2012-02-02 IsIn The value of the field is ...
That I will exercise my art solely for the cure of my patients, and will give no drug, perform no operation for a criminal purpose, even if solicited; far less suggest it That whatsoever I shall see or hear of the lives of my patients which is not fitting to be spoken, I will keep...
It is less specific than somatic pain. The number of cells in the spinal cord receiving signals from the internal organs is less than those that get responses for the superficial body locations. It is often difficult for the patient to pinpoint the exact location of the pain; consequently, ...
The protocols used less metaphorical and ambiguous language, omitted cognitive elements (e.g., "examination of one's thoughts"), and increased the amount of time on breathing exercises and weeks of training to account for the individuals with slower cognitive processing abilities. Another mindfulness...
However, the existing literature seems to suggest that there are some common adjustment factors that should be taken into account. Combat veterans returning from the Iraq War will likely have some specific adjustment problems among some members. These are likely to be dependent upon previous ...