"You really do realize that this is one sophisticated aircraft with nearly everything electronically monitored and controlled. The development team of the Flight1 Citation Mustang did an amazing job pulling off a near perfect replication of this aircraft's computerized systems. While I can go on ...
If you're like me, you're probably among the thousands of Skylane enthusiasts. That's not surprising, as the Skylane exemplifies the primary qualities that have endeared piston-powered Cessnas of all varieties for years. Skylanes aren't outstanding in any parameter. They are, in fact, ...
After a previous flight the pilot turned his fuel selector to the off position. He had never done this in over twenty years, but decided to shut off his fuel for some reason this day. Eight days later he was going flying by himself. The fuel valve happens to be 180 degrees in the o...
000 flying hours. That gave the 172 the best accident rate in private aviation. (The airplane will always be a 172 to me. Think of it as a Skyhawk