Cessna 172 Aircraft检查清单说明书 CAP Aircraft Inspection Checklist Aircraft/Inspector Information Wing/Region Tail# Inspection Date S/N Insp Name Insp CAP ID 1. Aircraft Logbooks / Records, POH, AIF & AMRAD A. Mid Cycle/100-Hour/Annual (CFR 91.417, CAPR 130-2)Date Last Annual Tach Time...
Rate-of-ClimbchartinSection5ofthePOH/AFM. 2.ElevatorTrimControlADJUST 3.MixtureControlLEAN(Fordesiredperformanceoreconomy) 4.FMS/GPSREVIEWandBRIEFOBS/SUSPsoftkeyoperationforholdingpattern procedure(IFR) DESCENT 1.PowerASDESIRED 2.MixtureADJUST(Ifnecessarytomaketheenginerunsmoothly) ...
I feel the older C-172s were a little too sensitive to pitch input. (I haven’t flown a newer one so can’t say if this is still true.) By trimming the elevator properly for landing, I’ve never felt the nose of a C-182 to be heavy. In fact, it feels just right. The C-1...