... adjusting the speed down to 63 knts, and you will get a nice 300 fpm descent into the runway, smooooth and clean, if a little slow, but again great for practising your approach skills, as the C172M allows you to do this. (note; Rate of climb is 71...
ILS Approach What is an ILS? The instrument landing system (ILS) is a navigation systems that is used to fly an aircraft to the runway. The system has two antennae on the ground. One is placed at the far end of the runway and provides lateral (left/right) information. This localizer ...
In Cincinnati, Ohio in 2004 a Cessna 152 and Cessna 172 collided on final approach. The 172 made a normal approach. The 152 made a short approach, turning final at 300 feet and very close in. The 152 did not announce turning final and did not listen to the 172 transmissions. The 172 ...
The introduction of the rear window caused in most models a loss of cruise speed due to the extra drag, while not adding any useful visibility.[52]【参考译文】全景视野——从1962年的182型和210型飞机开始,随后在1963年和1964年分别应用于172型和150型飞机,塞斯纳的一些单发飞机配备了后窗。该术语...
I am selling my 2006 172SP G-1000 and getting a T182 2007. If everything goes well (loan, selling my plane, etc.) I should have it next week. I have 2 hours in a 182 non-turbo. It was fairly easy to fly. I am instrument rated with aprox 400 hours in a 172. Anyone fly Tu...
including the cockpit and instrument panel, had been consumed during the postaccident fire. Flight control cable continuity was established from each flight control surface to its respective cockpit control. The wing flap actuator measured 2.6 inches, which was consistent with a 10° flap extension....
This instrument needs to be calibrated on a regular schedule. Lower right - The Vertical Speed Indicator tells how fast the aircraft is climbing or descending. Note: The two round instruments directly to the right of the six pack are dual VOR (VHF Omni-directional Range) instruments, and to...
You work your speed down to around 120knts at full 100% flap on approach and this is a very compliant and steady aircraft at that set configuration. Gear down and the underside shows off the nice gear detailing, that track is very wide. And watch the inlet mesh sc...