Cessna 172 Aircraft检查清单说明书 Wing/Region Tail#Make Cur TTAF Inspection Date S/N Model Cur Tach Time Insp Name Insp CAP ID Insp Phone #Cur Hobbs Time Date Last Annual Tach Time TTAF ADs Validated Current?Date Last 100Hr Tach Time TTAF Date ADs Validated Date Last Oil Chg Tach Time ...
After flying the 182 for the first time, i was completely assured that i had made the right decision. The 182 was a little more expensive than the 172's i had looked at, but it was well worth the extra dust. I had the same flight school that i trained in perform a pre-buy inspe...
This is a visual inspection of the aircraft to verify that the airplane components are in good working order. Your instructor should provide you with a more detailed and highly useful operating checklist, not just for the walkaround but for all the specific airplane procedures that cover the ...