Rate-of-ClimbchartinSection5ofthePOH/AFM. 2.ElevatorTrimControlADJUST 3.MixtureControlLEAN(Fordesiredperformanceoreconomy) 4.FMS/GPSREVIEWandBRIEFOBS/SUSPsoftkeyoperationforholdingpattern procedure(IFR) DESCENT 1.PowerASDESIRED 2.MixtureADJUST(Ifnecessarytomaketheenginerunsmoothly) ...
Cessna 310G 飞行器预飞行检查清单说明书 Review strategies for known threats to safety Discuss error management techniques Expectation for advocacy from pilot monitoring Who will fly / duty division in actual emergency Emergency egress procedure Any questions or need for clarification? Seats………...…....
I never timed the time required to retract the electric flaps but the balked landing procedure in the POH for these airplanes calls for retracting the flaps to 20-degreesimmediatelyand then to 10-degrees ASAP and then to up after all obstacles are cleared. That tells you what you need to k...