DeveloperError: Normal must be normalized Example: constpoint=Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-72.0,40.0);constnormal=ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(point);consttangentPlane=Cesium.Plane.fromPointNormal(point,normal); staticCesium.Plane.getPointDistance(plane, point)→number ...
: Normal must be normalized Example: // The plane x=0 const plane = new LSGlobe.Plane(LSGlobe.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, 0.0); Members static constant
It can be constructed using getNormalAccessorView. Added Uri::getPath and Uri::setPath. Added TileTransform::setTransform. Added GlobeRectangle::splitAtAntiMeridian. Added BoundingRegionBuilder::toGlobeRectangle. Added GlobeRectangle::equals and GlobeRectangle::equalsEpsilon. upsampleGltfForRasterOverlays...
All public observable properties now must be accessed and assigned as if they were normal properties, instead of being called as functions. For example: clockViewModel.shouldAnimate() -> clockViewModel.shouldAnimate clockViewModel.shouldAnimate(true); -> clockViewModel.shouldAnimate = true; ...
: Normal must be normalized Example: // The plane x=0 var plane = new Cesium.Plane(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, 0.0); Members staticconstantCesium.Plane.ORIGIN
--elevation-normal Generate elevation normal --elevation-lod Generate elevation and imagery based on elevation LOD only --elevation-decimate-error arg Set target error when decimating elevation mesh. Target error is normalized to 0..1 (0.01 means the simplifier maintains the error to be below 1%...
* If a non-root tile's availability is 1, its parent tile's availability must also be 1. * A subtree must have at least one available tile. * If a non-root tile's availability is 1, its parent tile's availability shall also be 1. * A subtree shall have at least one available ...
(code || 1000, reason || 'Normal closure', wasClean);\n};\n\nSockJS.prototype.send = function(data) {\n // #13 - convert anything non-string to string\n // TODO this currently turns objects into [object Object]\n if (typeof data !== 'string') {\n data = '' + data;\n...
Binary can do the normal accessor type and componentType things, which do not include strings. Among other things, the JSON schema helps validate the document in VSCode even without help from the official glTF Validator. So having the schema be more detailed, and more tightly controlling of ...
Added optionalellipsoidparameter to construction options of imagery and terrain providers that were lacking it. Note that terrain bounding spheres are precomputed on the server, so any supplied terrain ellipsoid must match the one used by the server. ...