The built Cesium for Unity Assembly will run on much older versions of .NET, including the version of Mono included in Unity. However, these very recent versions are required for the C#<->C++ interop code generator (Reinterop). To make sure things are set up correctly, open a command-pro...
Could this be that Cesium for Unity is not supported on Linux either? Yes, only Windows (Intel x64), macOS (Intel x64 and Apple Silicon/ARM64), and Android (ARM64) are supported in the current version. It should be possible to build it for Linux on your own system (we have done ...
/*对绘制区域的顶点循环处理一下,以便用于模型压平参数的赋值*/ var array = []; for (let i = 0; i < positionsArray.length; i++) { let point = positionsArray[i]; let resPoint = new Cesium.Cartesian3; let invserTran = new Cesium.Matrix4; Cesium.Matrix4.inverse(tileset[0]._root.t...
/*对绘制区域的顶点循环处理一下,以便用于模型压平参数的赋值*/ var array = []; for (let i = 0; i < positionsArray.length; i++) { let point = positionsArray[i]; let resPoint = new Cesium.Cartesian3; let invserTran = new Cesium.Matrix4; Cesium.Matrix4.inverse(tileset[0]._root.t...
Vertex buffers created for 3D Tiles are now set to use full-precision UV coordinates, avoiding problems in particular with feature IDs. Added some missing headers, to avoid compiler errors in non-unity builds. In addition to the above, this release updates cesium-native from v0.21.3 to v0.22...
有时候在unity中的模型会出现锯齿比如如果去掉这样的锯齿。 方法一:先去找美工查找模型的问题,看看是不是面和面之间太近,模型有重叠面,磨损的面。 方法二:改变一下shader,改变一下渲染方式。 方法三:在编辑(edit)菜单-找project setting---quality在弹出的面板里找 anti-aliasing 选择 4x或更高。 方法四:使用滤...
high-precision 3D geospatial math types and functions, including support for global-scale WGS84 ellipsoids. Cesium Native powers Cesium's runtime integrations forCesium for Unreal,Cesium for Unity,Cesium for Omniverse, andCesium for O3DE. Cesium Native is the foundational layer for any 3D geospatial...
一、OnRenderImage unity shader中的pass是会顺序执行的,但是由于在图像处理中我们常常需要使用一个pass的处理结果作为另一个pass的输入,这个时候就需要用到OnRenderImage()函数了。 我们在脚本中使用这个函数。 官方描述Description OnRenderImage is called after all rendering is complete t... ...
for a free ion commmunity account. 993 994 ### breaking changes :mega: 995 996 - `clippingplanecollection` now uses `clippingplane` objects instead of `plane` objects. [#6498]( 997 - cesium no longer ships with a demo bing maps api key...