[Chem Safety Data Sheet SD-88 1962; Chem. Haz. Info. Series C-71 1960]. Burns in chlorine with a luminous flame [Mellor 2 Supp. 1:380 1956]. Reacts violently with most acids. Reacts violently with fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. Reacts with incandescence with sulfur and ...
Metal Halide. Its EINECS registry number is 232-130-0. This chemical's molecular formula is BrCs and molecular weight is 212.81. What's more, its IUPAC name is the same with its product name. It is an ionic compound of caesium and bromine. This chemical is sometimes used in optics as...
These results suggest that Nd doping is more efficient in the stabilization of the perovskite structure than partial replacement of iodine with bromine. Microstructure observations reveal the existence of two different product formation mechanisms depending on the mechanical properties of reactants. The ...
[Chem Safety Data Sheet SD-88 1962; Chem. Haz. Info. Series C-71 1960]. Burns in chlorine with a luminous flame [Mellor 2 Supp. 1:380 1956]. Reacts violently with most acids. Reacts violently with fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. Reacts with incandescence with sulfur and ...
[Chem Safety Data Sheet SD-88 1962; Chem. Haz. Info. Series C-71 1960]. Burns in chlorine with a luminous flame [Mellor 2 Supp. 1:380 1956]. Reacts violently with most acids. Reacts violently with fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. Reacts with incandescence with sulfur and ...
XPS analysis shows that the Br:I ratio of the CsPbBr 3-x I x QDs had changed as a result of exposure to the anti-solvent, causing the change of the band gap and shift of the spectra. It is also shown that iodine can be removed more easily than bromine during the anti-solvent ...