Cesarean section rates in Italy by hospital payment mode: an analysis based on birth certificates. Am J Public Health 1992; 82: 257-261.Bertollini R, DiLallo D, Spadea T, et al. Cesarean section rates in Italy by hospital payment mode: an analysis based on birth certificates. Am J ...
The meaning of CESAREAN SECTION is a surgical procedure involving incision of the walls of the abdomen and uterus for delivery of offspring. How to use cesarean section in a sentence.
Significant differences in cesarean section rates between a private and a public hospital in Brazil. A.M. Da Silva, and V. S. Ribeiro, "Significant differences in cesarean section rates between a private and a public hospital in Brazil," Cadernos de... Sueli,de,Almeida,... - 《Cadernos ...
Although cesarean section delivery is an important indicator of access to life-saving essentialobstetriccare[3], these increased rates have many health implications, by applying an incremental burden on healthcare systems[4]and increased risks for both mother and child compared tovaginal delivery[5],...
To determine a trend of cesarean section rate (CSR) and main contributing factors in a public sector hospital, representing northern part of Thailand. A re
Background: The cesarean rate is a multidimensional indicator very used in the performance hospital analysis because it includes aspects of adequacy of care, patient safety and efficiency in resource utilization. Objective: To determine the rates and variability in cesarean delivery care among Costa Ric...
cesarean section alsocaesarean section n. A surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus, performed to deliver a fetus. [From the traditional belief that JuliusCaesar(or his eponymous ancestor) was born by this operation.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Ed...
Effectoflow-riskpregnantwomenbeforelaboradmittedtohospitaloncesareansectionrateand countermeasuresZhengTongyun,PengJianmei,LiuXiaole,ChenLanqing,ChenGuina.Departmentof ObstetricsandGynecology,FutianPeople’sHospitalofShenzhenCity,Shenzhen518033,China Correspondingauthor:ZhengTongyun,Email:838820678@qq.com 【Abstract】Obj...
Based on their yearly clinical statistics for 1983-1989, the cesarean section and stillbirth rates at National Maternity Hospital (Dublin), where the patients are generally white, and University Hospital (Newark), where the patients are predominantly black, were compared. After adjusting for confoundin...
The cesarean surgery pack is non-irritant, odorless, and has no side effects for the human body. The surgical cesarean pack can effectively absorb wound exudate and prevent bacterial invasion. The c-section surgical drape is used to lay on the patient during c-section to form a...