由JBL、JBL Synthesis、Mark Levinson、Revel、Lexicon和Arcam等品牌组成的Harman Luxury Audio将于1月5~7日在拉斯维加斯新维珍酒店(Las Vegas's new Virgin Hotel)举行“Harman探索2022/Harman’s ExPLORE 2022”活动,展示其最新产品。JBL此前推出了一系列新产品来庆祝其成立75周年,Arcam则凭借其首款流媒体播放...
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- The 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) will kick off 2022 in messy fashion, but it will be chock full of innovation and full of entrepreneurs and businesses, said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), organizer of th...
LAS VEGAS (Jan. 5, 2022)– Visteon (NASDAQ: VC), a global technology company serving the mobility industry, will showcase its advanced display technology at CES®2022 among an array of innovations that provide a superior user experience for driver information and in-vehicle infot...
奔驰就直接把纯电版G级越野车从奥地利舍克尔山开到了拉斯维加斯大道:积雨的路面上,四辆奔驰大G车灯交错,伴着机械感音乐表演坦克转弯,背景是夜晚Paris Las Vegas酒店的五彩斑斓。狂拽霸道的氛围都要溢出屏幕了,这条短视频也在TikTok收获66.7万次观看和3.51万点赞。而对于赴美参展的中国企业来说,在这样的国际...
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- The 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) concluded here on Friday, featuring technology innovations for addressing pressing issues from healthcare to food, sustainability and beyond. Held on Jan. 5-7, the CES, one of the world's premier tech shows, drew more...
来自九个国家的 21 个大学的技术团队,在拉斯维加斯赛车场 (Las Vegas Motor Speedway) 进行自动驾驶赛车较量。在此之前,大众印象中的自动驾驶都是四平八稳毫无激情的驾驶风格,但是此次的赛车比赛或许也让外界看到了自动驾驶的狂野奔放一面。或许未来会有相关的自动驾驶赛车比赛,就像是电动车参加派克峰爬山赛一样。
Dates: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 - Saturday, January 8, 2022 Venue: Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC),Las Vegas NV,United States CES is the world's gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and ...
由JBL、JBL Synthesis、Mark Levinson、Revel、Lexicon和Arcam等品牌组成的Harman Luxury Audio将于1月5~7日在拉斯维加斯新维珍酒店(Las Vegas's new Virgin Hotel)举行“Harman探索2022/Harman’s ExPLORE 2022”活动,展示其最新产品。JBL此前推出了一系列新产品来庆祝其成立75周年,Arcam则凭借其首款流媒体播放机S...
看看新闻Knews 发布时间: 2022-01-08 07:20看看新闻官方帐号 02:10 当地时间1月6日(周四),美国拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)举办的消费电子展(CES)进入了第二日。在新冠疫情席卷全球之前,中国企业的参展数量逐年上升,曾在2018年达到1551家的历史新高。然而在国际旅行禁令的影响下,今年到场的中国企业仅有210家。 虽然...
From a spaceplane to a color-changing car, CES 2022 not only brought to light innovations from around the globe at its in-person and digital event, held Jan. 5-7 in Las Vegas, but is also likely to serve as a blueprint for producing large-scale trade sho