Garcia-Duran C, Grau F, Villacampa G, Oaknin A. ATOMICC trial: a randomized, open-label, phase II trial of anti-PD1, dostarlimab, as maintenance therapy for patients with high-risk locally advanced cervical cancer after chemoradiation. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2022. Gustave Roussy CCGP. Trial...
Invasive cervical cancer remains the second commonest female malignancy worldwide. Early-stage disease may be asymptomatic. Advances in imaging techniques have improved selection of the appropriate treatment approach. Treatment options vary for each stage. An excisional cone is sufficient for treatment ...
HPV DNA test—a lab test that detects the most common types of HPV that are likely to lead to cervical cancer If a woman has an abnormal PAP test result, additional tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis, determine the extent of the cancer, and direct treatment options. Colposcopy—a s...
microinvasive cancermicroinvasive squamous carcinomaSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Microinvasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix Diagnosis of Microinvasive Cancer Treatment Options for Microinvasive Squamous Carcinoma Microinvasive Adenocarcinoma of the Cervix Treatment of Micro...
Objective: To determine if the use of more complex technology in the form of 3-dimensional treatment planning improved outcomes after primary radiotherapy for early-stage cervical cancer.Methods: 180 Consecutive cases treated with primary radiotherapy from 1980 to 2005 for stage IB to IIB cancer of...
DWI may be useful as a cancer treatment response biomarker because it is sensitive to macromolecular and microstructural changes occurring at the cellular level earlier than anatomical changes during treatment. Early increase of ADC in cervical cancer is suggestive of successful treatment, and low ...
Cancer of the cervix is a common disease in sub-Saharan Africa and tends to be diagnosed later than in the developed countries. The disease is therefore associated with a high mortality under African conditions. In addition, it occurs at a much earlier age in Africa than in Europe and North...
The treatment options available to women who have this condition depend on what the cause of the friable cervix is. Large tumors and cysts that are damaging the cervix have to be removed by a surgical operation. If there is cancer present, the cervix and uterus might also have to be taken...
Clinical studies with adjunctive surgery and irradiation therapy in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix The majority of patients with cancer of the cervix are treated adequately by irradiation alone, and surgery is not necessary. A role for operation develops... FN Rutledge,JT Wharton,GH Flet...
(MRI). Treatment for a pre-cancerous lesion depends on several factors, such as whether the lesion is low- or high-grade, whether the woman wants to have children, her age and general health, and her preferences. Treatment may be surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, or a c...