a part of the body that takes substances from the blood and stores them for use or in order that the body may get rid of them.a sweat gland;He has swollen glands in his neck.glándula ˈglandular(-djulə) , ((American) -dʒulər)adjective ...
This consists of the deep fascia of the face and neck, and the periosteum over bone. The deep layer of fascia is formed by: • The deep temporal fascia and the periosteum. Below this layer lie the muscles of mastication, the salivary glands and principal neurovascular structures. Over bon...
(Hendry and Campbell, 1976;Hendry, 1977). The loss of neurons is greatly increased by removal ofsalivary glandsand iris, targets of the SCG (Hendry and Iversen, 1973;Dibner and Black, 1976;Dibneret al.,1977). However, NGF implanted in a cellulose pelletmay reverse the destructive results ...
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia. cer·vi·cal  (sûr′vĭ-kəl) adj. 1. Of or relating to the uterine cervix. 2. Of or relating to the neck. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin...
Ectopic salivary glands in the neck are very unusual lesions. Generally they are localized to the oropharyngeal region, near the mandible and para-parotid lymph nodes. They occur occasionally on the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the soft tissues of the neck. We wish to ...
They do not contain any hormones, and they do not prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In order to protect against STIs, additional condom use is required. Diaphragms and caps are similar, but they fit inside the vagina slightly differently. Diaphragms cover the cervix (neck of the...
意大利整骨Cervical spine中英文 意大利整骨Cervicalspine中英文 CERVICALSPINE颈椎 Uppercervicalspine:C1-atlasandC2–epistropheus上颈椎:C1-寰椎和C2枢椎 Lowercervicalspine:fromthebottomplateoftheepistropheustothetoppartofthefirstthoracicvertebra 下颈椎:从枢椎平面底部至第1胸椎的顶部 Thesetwosegmentsworktogetherto...
Surgical consideration is an option for many pathologies in the cervical spine. Many vital structures surround the cervical spine, for example, the trachea, esophagus, recurrent laryngeal nerve, vertebral arteries, carotid arteries, thyroid gland, and parathyroid glands. So, any surgical intervention sh...
Synonyms for cervical vertigo in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for cervical vertigo. 16 synonyms for vertigo: dizziness, giddiness, light-headedness, fear of heights, loss of balance, acrophobia, loss of equilibrium, swimming of the head... What are synonyms
意大利整骨Cervical spine中英文 StructuralOsteopathyCervicalSpine 结构性整骨颈椎 TakeCareOsteopathicAcademyMilano-Italy 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 lowerpartofcervicalspineanatomy下颈椎的解剖 10 PhysiologyjointC3-C7:颈3-颈7的生理学 Regardingthephysiologyofthelowercervicalspine,allthevertebraemakearotationandbendingonthe...