2. Aim The aim of this work is to appraise the incidence, mortality, state of prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in sub-Sahara Africa. This highlight is necessary so that health professionals, philanthropists, policy makers, advocates and other stake holders can appreciate and understand...
respectively, is cervical cancer [25]. It has been established that oncogenic HPV16 and HPV18 infections are the cause of cancer. Additional hazards are smoking, a record of various sexual partners, unsafe liaisons, as well as early sexual behavior [26]. HPV vaccine offers this cancer protection...
Cancer Research journal, Cancer Science & Therapy journal, Clinical Trials journal, Cancer Surgery, Indian Journal of Medical and Pediatric Oncology, Frontiers in Oncology, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, HHS Public Access, Journal of Carcinogenesis. High Impact List of Articles Co...
 Cervical cancer is the leading gynaecological malignancy in Zimbabwe, constituting 33% of all female cancers in 2016. Primary prevention through vaccination and secondary prevention through screening are important public health interventions to redu
Out of 392 respondents, a majority (n = 376, 95.9%) have heard about cervical cancer. The results show that most of the participants had good knowledge and attitude towards cervical cancer vaccination. With respect to the knowledge of the participants, a greater proportion of them (n = 355...
The injection, which will be offered to around 300,000 Year Eight schoolgirls this Autumn, protects against two strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which cause more than 70% of cases of cervical cancer. Although the injection is expected to save the lives of around 400 women every ...
hepato-pancreatic biliary surgery Significantly, the RAGE-Mcm2 axis's functionality was selectively compromised in cells containing micronuclei, as evidenced in human biopsies and mouse models of diabetic nephropathy and cancer. Accordingly, the functional significance of the RAGE-Mcm2/7 axis is ...
Cervical stimulation therapy after treatment laryngeal cancer reduce lymphedemaABSTRACT:Henrique Jose Pereira de GodoyRodrigo Ocampos TroitinoLívia Maria Pereira de Godoy MDThatiany Gracino de Marqui
Catching Disease Early Is the Key to Conquering It, Say Experts; the Number of Women Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Is Falling in Wales, Thanks to the Introduction of Regular Screening. but There Are Fears That Young Women Especially Are No Longer Having a Regular Smear Test. Sara Bowman, 39...