These tests are used to "stage" the cancer. By finding out how far it has spread, a health-care professional can make a reasonable guess about a woman's prognosis and the kind of treatment she will need. Cervical cancer is staged from stage 0 (earliest and least severe) to stage IV (...
Cervical cancer: effect of glandular cell type on prognosis, treatment, and survival. Obstet Gynecol. 2003;101(1):38–45.Davy ML,Dodd TJ,Luke CG,et al.Cervical Cancer:Effect of glandular cell type on prognosis,treatment,and survival[J].Obstetrics Gynecol,2003,101:38-45....
Cervical Cancer宫颈癌-中英文 ·CervicalCancer Cervicalcancer •Etiology(病因):HPV•Diagnosis(诊断):biopsy,stage•Theraphy(治疗):surgeryandradiation•Prevention(预防)CERVICALCANCER...•Themostcommonmalignancy(恶性肿瘤)ingynecologicaloncology •Incidence(发病率):7.8/100,000(我国每年新发...
Cervical canceroccurs in the cervical cells present toward the bottom part of the uterus that connects with the vagina. As estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO), cervical cancer is the fourth mostrecurrent cancerin females[53]. Cervical cancer in its preinvasive stage shows no symptoms...
are prone to HPV infection, persistent HPV infection, and a higher risk of precursor lesions. The impact ofHIV infectionon cervical cancer risk is controversial, but prognosis appears worse in patients with severe immunodeficiency. HIV is clearly associated with increased risk ofanal cancerin men....
(1) Stage IB1 and IIA1 both have good prognosis after surgery or radiotherapy. The surgical procedures are type III radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy ±para-aortic lymph node sampling. Patients with postoperative high-risk factors (parametrial invasion, deep stromal invasion or lymph no...
? Surgery:stageI-IIaovarianfunctionretainednormalvaginalfunctionretainedavoidanceofeffectofradiotherapyonbladderand bowel? Radiotherapy:stageIIb、III、IVsuitableinwomenwhoareunfitforsurgery? Chemotherapy:Latestageandmetastasis? Palliativecare?Treatment Prognosis(Five-yearsurvivalrate)IIIaIIbRadiation93.4%82.7%26.6%Surg...
If cancer is found, your prognosis and treatment depend on the location, size, and stage of the cancer and your general health. Staging is a careful attempt to determine whether the cancer has spread and, if it has, what body parts are affected. Additional tests to determine staging may in...
Overexpression of XIST is closely related to larger tumor size, FIGO stage and distant metastasis. Furthermore, we found that overexpression of XIST could significantly influence the prognosis of cervical cancer patients. Then loss-of function assays were performed to verify the critical role of XIST...
Fig. 3. HPV associated cervical cancer progression model. 1.4. Biomarkers for cervical cancer Bio-markers aid in improved management with respect to screening and prognosis of CC. Two types of markers namely viral (HPV DNA detection, HPV E6/E7 mRNA, viral integration, and viral and host methyl...