A little known fact is that anyone can prepare taxes in Ohio. You do not have to be registered or have a license to prepare taxes. Should you want to work for a tax company, such as H&R Block, there are requirements specific to that company. Overall howe
QIVA DINURIPARTNER / TAX ATTORNEY / J.D. / LL.M. TAXATIONQiva assists clients with navigating tax law and fulfilling their tax compliance requirements.View full profile 208.788.1183 MARK FLANAGAN415.956.3600 MARK FLANAGANPARTNER / CPA / CFP®Mark expertly serves employee benefit plans, labor...
There's a difference between an accountant (someone who prepares your taxes) and a certified public accountant or CPA (someone who has received the training required by your state's licensing board).
(2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notariallycertifiedcopyof that power of attorney must be deposited at the head office and principal place of business of the Company at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre,...
QIVA DINURIPARTNER / TAX ATTORNEY / J.D. / LL.M. TAXATIONQiva assists clients with navigating tax law and fulfilling their tax compliance requirements.View full profile 208.788.1183 MARK FLANAGAN415.956.3600 MARK FLANAGANPARTNER / CPA / CFP®Mark expertly serves employee benefit plans, labor...
Paul S. Ward is ready to answer your questions and explain your options directly on elder law issues, estate planning, tax planning, tax resolution and business formation. A CELA, CPA, CRTC and PFS With more than 32 years of legal experience as an attorney, Paul S. Ward focuses his pract...
Here are the general requirements for the women’s contracting program,according to the SBA website. Your businessmustadhere to the following guidelines to become a Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and secure access to more funding: Qualify as a small business as per the SBAsmall business size...
This specialized body of knowledge focused on governmental funding mechanisms and heavily emphasized federal issues such as the requirements of the Inspector General Act, U.S. Criminal Code, Civil Fraud Remedies Act and relationships with the U.S. Attorney and FBI. A key component of the proposed...
Issued by the Association of Chartered Senior Financial Planners, the CSFP designation trains recipients in advanced retirement and estate planning strategies. To take the exam, trainees must have two years of insurance experience, two years of securities experience, or be a licensed attorney or CPA...
Accounting and tax requirements for not-for-profits are unique. Typically, NPO’s have obligations to members or funding agencies and in the case of public charities, to the public as a whole, which are monitored by the Attorney General of the State. ...