Practice Exam for AIPMM Certified Product Manager (CPM) (Coursera) Are you ready to elevate your product management career? Stand out from the competition with the AIPMM - Certified Product Manager© (CPM) certification. This course guides you through the exam preparation journey, providing you...
关注问题写回答 登录/注册产品经理 Certified product manager? AIPMM 的 CPM认证在国内认可度如何? Online course $599. 价格倒是不高。 本人6年家电研发/测试/安规技术背景,现转行做产…显示全部 关注者3 被浏览129 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 添加评论 分享 暂时还没有...