Sarah Fuller, MS, LPC is a counselor in South Carolina, USA and owner/counselor of Peaceful Adventures, LLC. Sarah utilizes peaceful parenting within her therapy practice, often providing a combined approach of supporting parents in growing peace within themselves and their homes while also working...
Counselor Chiropractor Hospice Worker Physicians Assistant Physician or Nurse Naturopath Nutritionist Reiki Practitioner Relationship, Career, or Wellness Coach Teacher Yoga Instructor What Are the Steps to Take? Follow the Path to the Ultimate EFT Certification The...
In this very politically charged world we are living in it is hard for me, as a Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Educator/Counselor to ignore the politics of food. Access to good food is critical for all people in reaching their optimal health and well-being. Without good food we ar...
He currently owns and operates Pilates On Fifth, is the founder and developer of Dave’s Pilates School of Training, and is an active Community Youth Leader and Counselor with his local Church.Dave’s passion is to see others bettered. His overall objective is to create environments that will...
As a convert counselor I meet a lot of convert women who believe they have to stuff away everything that makes up who they are in the quest to become The Very Best Muslim (TM). It is my belief that most convert apostasies are actually due to a failure to integrate one’s personality...
HH1.J) Eating: FOM/ WHF Nutrition Consultant Certificate HH1.K) Intro to Traditional Natural Health Practitioner/ Counselor Ayurveda: Survey of Natural Medicine Principles and Practices. Relevant documentaries with discussion. HH1.L)Buddhai Sawan Sangha: Intro to Traditional Thai & Filipino...