In the OPEX Coaching Certificate Program (CCP), we will teach you how to write great programs and a system to do so. But even more importantly, you’ll learn how to define your value beyond just writing workouts so you can stand out as a fitness professional with staying power in the...
IPropertyStore::GetAt method (Windows) WaitCallback callback function (Windows) operator = operators (Windows) XMFLOAT2A property (Windows) BoundingRect Element ITransformPropertyPoint::put_Time IGameStatistics::SetLastPlayedCategory Method Guidelines for File Associations and Default Programs (Windows) ...
RASPPPCCP structure (Windows) InterlockedOr64 function (Windows) IntPtrToSizeT function (Windows) IInputPersonalizationDataResource::Reserved2 method (Windows) IInputPersonalizationDataResource::Reserved8 method (Windows) InkRecognizers collection (Windows) UpdateLayeredWindowIndirect function (Windows) operator...
Customer Collaboration Platform (CCP) and MR PG (Client) CTI server and ECE (Client) ECE MR PG Media Routing Protocol Customer Collaboration Platform CTI Server ECE GED 188 To establish secured connection ...