aWait for my colleague came to work I let him go to the warehouse check 等待我的同事来工作我让他走仓库检查[translate] aprovide controlled access on a need to know basis 提供受控通入在需要知道依据[translate] aDue to the certificate of origin is being annual inspection. 归结于出身证明每年检查...
acertificate of origin certified by local chamber of commerce and industry confirming that goods originated in china plus 3 copies 证实的地方工商业联合会证明的出身证明物品发起于瓷加上3个拷贝[translate]
The minimal reporting requirements, on import, for the origin of any diamonds not exported under a certificate-of-origin scheme ensure that documents are not checked at diamond centres. 对于来自没有出口来源证计划地区的钻石的入口报关规定非常简单,因此,钻石中心必然不检查其文件。 UN-2 The minimal...
origincertificatechambergrapevinecertificatescommerce GRAPEVINECHAMBEROFCOMMERCECERTIFICATEOFORIGININFORMATIONANDINSTRUCTIONSCertificateofOriginPolicyTheGrapevineChamberofCommercehasreviseditspolicyontheissuanceofCertificatesofOrigineffectiveAugust1,2009.Thechangesareasfollows:1.TheCertificateofOriginmustbefilledoutcompletelyandnotar...
possible to obtain a specific list so that someone can see whether or not the document will be needed. For example, a company intending to ship medical supplies made in Switzerland to New Zealand can check with trade authorities to see whether or not a certificate of origin will be required...
From Longman Business Dictionarycerˌtificate of ˈoriginnoun(pluralcertificates of origin)[countable]anofficialdocumentshowing where goods orfoodproductscome from, which companyproducedthem etc
Hi would request if can guide me with certain books on import and export. with regards to the comment on COO, can freight forwarders be able to arrange for the certificate of origin? yogesh runwal:On 11 September 2014 How some-one will check the genuiness of the Certificate? Is it possib...
certificate of incorporation→escriturafdeconstitución(de una sociedad anónima) certificate of origin→certificadomdeorigen Certificate of Secondary Education(Brit) (Scol) (formerly) →TítulomdeBUP X certificate(Cine) →(para)mayoresde 18años ...