PSFC Certificate of Incorporation The Park Slope Food Coop began selling food to its members in February 1973 as an unincorporated association. In May 1977 the Coop incorporated under the New York State Cooperative Corporations law. In July of 1977 the collectively owned net worth of the Coop, ...
The initial Director and Officer information is also not required to be listed on the Certificate of Incorporation filed in Delaware. And sometimes, a client might ask for a Certificate that lists the Members of the LLC or the Directors of a Corporation. Perhaps, a bank may request this ...
include general background information on the business and source of funds, a copy oftheCertificate of Incorporation,thefederal Employer Identification Number (EIN), and a certificate of authority to do business in a state. ...
Exxon Mobil Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, restates and integrates its Certificate of Incorporation, as heretofore restated and amended, to read in full as herein set forth: FIRST. The name of the corporation is: EXXON MOBIL CORPOR...
Certified Copyof your Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Formation (also known as Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization) Is a Registered Agent required for Certificate of Authority? Yes, you are also required to retain aRegistered Agent in any statein which you foreign qu...
(d) such other changes to the Certificate of Incorporation as are reasonably necessary to give effect to the rights, preferences and designations of the Preferred Stock contained in the Preferred Stock Certificates of Designations and the provisions of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements (...
CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF eBULLION, INC. FIRST: The name of the corporation is: eBullion, Inc. SECOND: The address of its registered office in the State of Delaware is to be located at The Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, in the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle... CERTIFICATEOFRESIGNATION FORRECEIPTOFPROCESS OF (Insertcorporatename) UnderSection306-AoftheBusinessCorporationLaw FIRST:Thenameofthecorporationis:. SECOND:The(checkone)certificateofincorporation applicationforauthoritywasfiled intheDepartmentofStateon: ...
specified inthecertificateofincorporation, the persons registeredpursuanttosubsection (1)(d) together with [...] (2)自法團證明書指明的成立為法團的日期起,依據第(1)(d) 款註冊的㆟須連同不時 註冊為該校校董的其他㆟成立為該校的法團校董會的法團,而該法團校董會須...
I declare that I have examined the information given in this application and all attachments and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is correct and complete. I understand that a willfully false representation is a crime punishable under the laws of New York State including ...