将“certificate of conformity"翻译成中文.例句:Activation and qualification of Iraq's issuance of certificates of conformity in the area of quality management and environmental management ↔ 使伊拉克开始有资格在质量管理和环境管理领域签发合格证( # 、
8. **Testing and Assessment Information**: Provide details of the testing methods or assessment criteria used to determine the product's conformity. 9. **Conformance Statement**: Include a statement explicitly confirming that the product or service conforms to the specified standards or regulations....
首先我们要知道什么是COC,COC分为以下三种: Certificate of Conformance(符合性认证)是商品在出厂给客户所需要出示的合格证,需盖章,或者找出证机构作证明 Certificate of Conformity 表示:证明商品符合合同中的规格的证书(一致性的证明) Certificate of Compliance 合格证明书, 是用来清关的一个证明,合约完成证明书 尤其...
COC 证书是很多国家的要求,出口沙特、伊朗等中东地区的货物,进口国海关需要进口商提供经承认的国际认证公司对该批货物出具的符合性证书(COC,certificate of conformance). 其中SASO规定,进口货物必须要有COC清关证书。 COC认证的全称是符合性申明,COC证书是产品出口到中东和非洲国家的必要清关证书文件,在不同国家有不同...
2. Consider a certificate of conformity as part of the cost of conformance. A certificate of conformity is simply a hurdle that a firm must pass to sell many types of goods. The price that a manufacturer must pay to a third-party tester or an internal quality control team is only a sma...
COCCamp of Champions(Canada) COCComptroller of the Currency COCCorrosion Of Conformity(band) COCCertificate Of Competency COCCoptic Orthodox Church COCCommissioner of Charities(Singapore) COCChain of Command COCCost of Conformance(Cost of Quality component) ...
abidance,conformity,conformation cooperation- joint operation or action; "their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission" formality- compliance with formal rules; "courtroom formality" line- acting in conformity; "in line with"; "he got out of line"; "toe the line" ...
Looking for a DoC for the USB-blaster (original version not the II) It seems to exist as there was one sent by NurAiman_M_Intel to a poster in https://community.intel.com/t5/Programmable-Devices/FPGA-Download-Cable-1-CE-Certificate-Declaration-of-Conformity/m-p/1414445#M868...
Certificate of Conformance means a document issued by the NCWM based on testing by a participating laboratory that constitutes evidence of conformance of a type. Certificate of Acceptance means written certification, delivered to Contractor and signed by an authorized representative of the State, stating...
Certificate of convenience and necessitymeans formal authorization toa Person, issuedby the Commission,to operatea specified aggregatenumber of vehicleswithin and conforming to a particularService Category, and requiring a Person’s conformance to the provisions ofthis Codeand to allfuture amendments,Rules...