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打开 JMeter:启动 JMeter 软件。创建测试计划:选择 "Test Plan",然后右键选择 "Add > Threads (...
Add a Name Constraint extension to the certificate. X.509 certificate extensions are described in RFC 5280. --extSAN type:name[,type:name]... Create a Subject Alt Name extension with one or multiple names. -type: directory, dn, dns, edi, ediparty, email, ip, ipaddr, other, registerid...
Method 2: Install the new root certificate by adding it to the specifiedtrustStore. Operating command: keytool -importcert -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -file ./DigiCertGlobalRootG2.crt -alias digicertglobalrootg2 Common C++ Errors: ...
""" params = {"f" : "json", "alias" : alias, "commonName" : commonName, "organizationalUnit" : organizationalUnit, "city" : city, "state" : state, "country" : country, "keyalg" : keyalg, "keysize" : keysize, "sigalg" : sigalg, "validity" : validity } url = self._url ...
3"CAFriendlyName" is the friendly name that you use to mark this root CA. You may replace it with the root certificate subject name. This alias must be unique in jks. When using self-managed trustStore If your system program is currently using the specified trustStore, there are two ways...