此时(1)可以使用DNS质询,只申请证书,(2)然后在使用--nignx或者其他选项,对于已经存在的证书,他会提示你安装证书。 参考文献 Linux command to inspect TXT records of a domain Let's Encrypt Server Certificate via DNS Challenge How to use Let's Encrypt DNS challenge validation?
dns-01challengeformydomain.com dns-01challengeformydomain.com Cleaning up challenges Unable to locate credentials To use certbot-dns-route53, configure credentials as described at https://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/configuration.html#best-practices-for-configuring-credentials and add the nec...
For the second case, there is no website to use TLS or HTTP challenges, and you should ask a DNS challenge. Of course you could create a "fake" website to validate the domain using a HTTP challenge, and reuse the certificate on the "real" service. But it is a workaround, and you...
sudo certbot certonly -d"你的域名"--manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 域名样例:泛域名:*.mailset.top 单个域名:mailset.top / www.mailset.top 如果你是第一次申请,前面两个问题均输入Y即可 之后,会有输出如下: Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name: _acme-challenge.你的网址. with ...
*.example.top换成你想要申请的域名就可以了,接下来,会提示需要进行手动验证DNS: SavingdebuglogtoC:\Certbot\log\letsencrypt.logRequestingacertificatefor*.example.topandexample.top---PleasedeployaDNSTXTrecordunderthename:_acme-challenge.example.top.withthefollowingvalue:MeZetcO-5n_7WeJI...
This plugin design for user using Certbot to create free Let's Encrypt license on Aliyun and using Aliyun DNS for authentication challenge. This plugin only for personal study and internal usage. Overall coding style based on certbot-dns-google, thanks to contributors of this project. Installatio...
if you want to use the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates for your home network or private network, you have to use the DNS-01 challenge instead. When the DNS-01 challenge is used, Let’s Encrypt verifies the ownership of the domain using the DNS server of the domain. So, it works for...
DNS服务器一般分三种,根DNS服务器,顶级DNS服务器,权威DNS服务器#4、DNS 查询方式本地查询: 保存近期的DNS查询记录,主要包含两块:一是hosts文件,另外一个是客户机的高速缓存,可以用ipconfig/displaydns查看。 直接查询: 本地DNS服务器(家庭路由器),主要是将查询请求转发至转发器。转发器即家庭路由器WAN口设置的由...
---Pleasedeploy a DNS TXT record under the name:_acme-challenge.jysahre.com.withthe following value:ckxo1wGXbP1CtNQ3ZRfvHxxxxxx# 这里会显示你要更改的 DNS 解析记录值,设置好就可以完成更新了Beforecontinuing,verify the TXT record has been deployed.Dependingon the DNS provider,thismay take some...
Admin Toolbox: https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/dig/#TXT/_acme-challenge.runoob.com. Lookforoneormore boldedline(s) below theline';ANSWER'. It should show the value(s) you'vejust added. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...