(skipped) No renewals were attempted. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [root@certbot ap]# /snap/bin/certbot renew --cert-name proxy.xxx.com Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log - -...
Furthermore, the certbot documentation on renewals, here, makes no mention of systemd, only cron. So I would say the following would go along way to solving this issue: Update the certbot installation documentation for Ubuntu to correctly document that certbot installs with a systemd timer, rath...
/etc/letsencrypt/live/archerwong.cn/fullchain.pem expires on 2019-03-18 (skipped) No renewals were attempted. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [root@host src]# ./certbot-auto renew --manual --preferred-c...
a failureifauthorizations can not be obtainedforastrict subset of the requested domains. This may be usefulforallowingrenewalsformultipledomains to succeed evenifsome domains no longer point at this system. This option cannot be used with --csr. (default: False) --agree-tos Agree to the ACME ...
This may be useful for allowing renewals for multiple domains to succeed even if some domains no longer point at this system. This option cannot be used with --csr. (default: False) --agree-tos Agree to the ACME Subscriber Agreement (default: Ask) --duplicate Allow making a certificate ...
Docker 是现在的开发人员都已经很熟悉的平台。它使得我们可以更容易地在容器中创建、部署和运行应用程序。
Certs are checked nightly and if expiration is within 30 days, renewal is attempted. If your cert is about to expire in less than 30 days, check the logs under/config/log/letsencryptto see why the renewals have been failing. It is recommended to input your e-mail in docker parameters so...
Certs are checked nightly and if expiration is within 30 days, renewal is attempted. If your cert is about to expire in less than 30 days, check the logs under /config/log/letsencrypt to see why the renewals have been failing. It is recommended to input your e-mail in docker parameters...
Certs are checked nightly and if expiration is within 30 days, renewal is attempted. If your cert is about to expire in less than 30 days, check the logs under /config/log/letsencrypt to see why the renewals have been failing. It is recommended to input your e-mail in docker parameters...