Apache Web Server e-Cert (Server) User Guide e-Cert (Server) User Guide For Apache Web Server Revision Date: December 2022
首先, CertOpenServerOcspResponse 函数根据 Wincrypt.h 中的默认值初始化设置。 如果函数随后找到 CERT_CHAIN_CONFIG_REGPATH 中定义的注册表项,则会使用注册表值更新以前初始化的值。 以下配置设置名称和默认值由此函数初始化:CERT_SRV_OCSP_RESP_MIN_VALIDITY_SECONDS_VALUE_NAME L“SrvOcspRespMinValidity...
在调用 SetCertificateExtension 方法之前,必须调用 ICertServerPolicy::SetContext 方法。 要求 展开表 要求值 最低受支持的客户端 无受支持的版本 最低受支持的服务器 Windows Server 2003 [仅限桌面应用] 目标平台 Windows 标头 certif.h (包括 Certsrv.h) Library Certidl.lib DLL Certcli.dll 另请参阅 ...
此函式在 Certadm.dll 中的名稱是 CertSrvIsServerOnlineW。 呼叫 GetProcAddress 時,您必須使用此形式的名稱。 此外,此函式會定義為 Certbcli.h 頭檔中的 FNCERTSRVISSERVERONLINEW 類型。範例C++ 複製 FNCERTSRVISSERVERONLINEW* pfnOnline = NULL; char * szOnlineFunc = "CertSrvIsServerOnlineW"; BOOL ...
This is the minimum number of seconds to perform a server OCSP response prefetch retrieval before the NextUpdate date of an OCSP response. If the current time is greater than or equal to the NextUpdate date minus this number of seconds, the server OCSP response thread waits until after the...
ПриложениедолжноиспользоватьпараметрppServerCertследующимобразом:PCCERT_CONTEXT* ppServerCert = (PCCERT_CONTEXT*)pServerCert; Несмотрянато, чтоVERIFYSERVERCERTобъявленкакполучающийPCCERT...
pServerCert [in] Server's certificate. Return Values If the function succeeds (the client approves the server certificate), the return value is TRUE. If this function fails, the return value is FALSE and the connection with a security infrastructure is severed. ...
Hi, I am able to start the https server in windows using set HTTPS=true&&npm start. Is it possible to pass the SSL cert and key to the https server? e.g. for node http-server, I can start the https server with http-server S -C c:\cert\se...
How to Import an SSL Certificate to Your Microsoft Server On the Windows server or workstation where you created the CSR, open the ZIP file containing your SSL certificate and save the contents of the file (i.e.your_domain_com.cer) to the folder where you saved the DigiCert Certifi...
1.2 the mocked server who return crl.pem with Content-Disposition 1.3 3d party client request crl.pem for test decode CRL as following: 1.4 view cert's serial client2 problem cert client2 already revoked,and emqx refresh the crl.pem every 15 minutes,but the revoked cert always work before ...