Yourname(asshowninyourpassport)inBLOCKLETTERSFamilyname: Givennames:Englishnames(ifany): GenderMaleFemaleDateofbirthDayMonthYear19 Pleaseindicateifyouhaveanydisabilitythatmayrequireextraservicesorspecialconsideratione.g.wheelchair,blindnessetc.YesNo Details CountryofbirthCitizenship Inwhichcountrydoyouintendtoapply...
Approximately 20% of the Australian population has a physical, sensory or other disability. Devcert can help reduce risk by providing advice and solutions to achieve compliance with Disability requirements for your next Building project. Read More ...
Massachusetts. He offers consultations to patients on an inpatient rehabilitation unit and is an adjunct instructor in neuropsychology to graduate students in the Clark University psychology program. He serves as a physician advisor with the University of Massachusetts Medical School Disabilit...