Steven, ...This CERN thing also has to do with the word of God. The spoken word of God. The Hebrew letter "yod" in this case. The most simple of letters, the "building block letter" of creation if you will. The "subatomic particle letter" sort of thing. They want to Create, tha...
近日,欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)公布了建造新型加速器的大胆设想。作为目前全球最大的对撞机,大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider, LHC)全长27 km,而最新拟建的加速器长度为LHC的近4倍,能量更是高达LHC的6倍。 未来环形对撞机的效果图。 来源:CERN 坐落于瑞士日内瓦的欧洲粒子物理实验室CERN在1月15日发布的技术...
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, wants to build an enormousnew super colliderto smash atoms together at tremendous speeds to learn more about the mysteries of particle physics. CERN is famous for building theLarge Hadron Collider(LHC) between 1998 and 2008, a particle acce...
I come from Dallas, Texas, so the Superconducting Super Collider should have been in my backyard as I was growing up. By the late 1990s, its 87 km ring could have delivered 20 TeV per proton beam. The Future Circular Collider could deliver 50 TeV per proton beam in a 91 km ...
In the last four years the physics program of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron proton-antiproton Collider has produced an impressive list of major results. In these lectures the results from three areas of the physics program are described and discussed; the physics of hadronic jet production; ...
Recent results on intermediate vector boson properties at the CERN super proton synchrotron collider. UA Collaboration,CERN,Geneva,Switzerland,G. Arnison M. G. Albrow O. C. Allkofer A. Astbury B. Aubert C. Bacci J. R. Batleyf G. Bauerg A. Bettinih A. Bzagueti R. K. Bocki C. ...
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is envisaged to be a multi-stage facility for exploring the energy and intensity frontiers of particle physics. An initial electron–positron collider phase (FCC-ee) would focus on ultra-precise measurements at the centre-of-mass energies required to create Z ...
FERMINEWS 26, 15 (2003). Google Scholar SSC Central Design Group. Conceptual Design of the Superconducting Super Collider. (ed. Jackson, J. D.) SSC Report No. SSC-SR-2020 (SSC, 1986). Myers, S. & Schnell, W. Preliminary Performance Estimation for a LEP Proton Collider. Report No. ...
In that tunnel, two energy-frontier machines — the Large Electron–Positron Collider and the Large Hadron Collider — have, for the past 35years, shaped the landscape of high-energy physics. The tunnel could also house future accelerator complexes that have the potential of further defining that...
CERN英语造句,1、Excited Leptons in l~+l~- γγ Events at the CERN e~+e~- Collider LEPCERN的LEP e~+e~-对撞机的ι~+ι~-γγ事件中的